In case of abuse, it is possible to report the concerned file based on the type of abuse:
Copyrighted Material
In order to report content you own that is illegally stored on our servers, please send an e-mail to
[email protected] and provide the following details:
- URL of the infringing content
- Original URL or document to prove the copyright infringement
- Copyright owner name (Company name or Full legal name for individuals)
- Authority to make this complaint
- Title of the authority to make this complaint
- E-mail address of the authority to make this complaint
- Address of the authority to make this complaint
- Phone number of the authority to make this complaint
The e-mail must be sent from the copyright owner's business domain (e.g.
[email protected])
Please be advised that claims missing the requested details will be considered as void and will therefore not be taken into consideration.
Any other Abuse prohobited by our ToS
In order to report other kind of abusive content stored on our servers (e.g. pornography), please send an e-mail to
[email protected] and provide the following details:
- URL of the infringing content
- Type of the infringement
Please be advised that claims missing the requested details will be considered as void and will therefore not be taken into consideration.